• No MLS Fees
  • No Realtor Dues
  • No Association Fees
  • License Parking / License Hanging Available
  • Maintain Active Status
  • Retain 90% Commission on Referrals
  • Specializing in New Construction
  • Investor-Friendly Environment
  • Dedicated Broker Support
  • Nationwide Referral Program and Beyond

Our Vision
Here are some compelling reasons why Florida real estate agents have chosen to partner with us:

No need to pay for MLS access or join an association to earn commissions from real estate transactions.

Ensure you maintain your real estate license to seize the opportunity for limitless additional revenue.

With the real estate industry experiencing significant growth, there’s ample opportunity for everyone to benefit from buying and selling homes.

Join us today to explore how you can leverage your hard-earned Florida real estate license to generate income through referrals.

  • Are you in any of these situations?
  • Balancing another full-time job?
  • Enjoying retirement?
  • Taking a break from real estate?
  • Working part-time as a real estate agent?
  • Planning to move to another state?
  • Tired of paying dues to the Board of Realtors®?
  • Fed up with monthly fees?
  • Finding your real estate income insufficient?
  • Unsure whether to renew your license?
  • Do you hold a Florida real estate license?
  • Enjoy a 90/10 commission split
  • Option to park your real estate license
  • Option to hang your real estate license

Call or Text 239.977.5642 to setup your license in our referral program. For just $79 a year we will hang your license at our affiliate company.

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